Is It Ok To End A Sentence With A Preposition

 Camila Farah    

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This is a matter of style rather than grammar.

It has been said that prepositions should never start or end a sentence. In emails text messages and notes to friends it s perfectly fine. This is not true but there are right and wrong ways to do this. But you can t always end sentences with prepositions.

There are theories that the false rule originates with the early usage guides of joshua poole and john dryden who were trying to align the language with latin but there is no. The only time you absolutely should not put a preposition at the end a sentence is when there is no direct object. Look at the following examples to get a better idea of how. Yes you can end a sentence with a preposition in english.

It is fine to end a sentence with a preposition. It s not an error to end a sentence with a preposition but it is a little less formal. Semicolon or comma before a sentence adverb. As i said last week i recommend that when you could leave off the preposition and it wouldn t change the meaning it s best to leave it off.


Yes you can end a sentence with a preposition. People do use unnecessary prepositions at the end of sentences when they talk as in the question where are you at that we talked about last week. In fact in some situations you have to end a sentence with a preposition because there is no other choice. But if you re writing a research paper or submitting a business proposal and you want to sound very formal avoid ending sentences with prepositions.

Indeed doing so is both grammatical and idiomatic. Note that in formal communication such as a job application or a statement of purpose people often rewrite sentences to avoid such usage. Technically speaking it is not always incorrect to end a sentence with a preposition although in most cases sentences can be rewritten to avoid a preposition at the end. Ending a sentence with a preposition such as with of and to is permissible in the english language.

In the eighteenth century there was a fad for grammar books and many of them invented new rules for english grammar including the idea that splitting infinitives is wrong and that you shouldn t end a sentence with a preposition. If in the process of avoiding ending a sentence with a preposition the sentence begins to sound awkward overly formal or confusing then it s acceptable to ignore the preposition rule.

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